Scone Golf Club is being managed by the Scone RSL Group and they are pleased to advise that full playing golf memberships are available.
New membership applications are handled by the Scone RSL Group. Complete an application form at the RSL Club reception, Guernsey Street Scone. Golf members must also join the Scone RSL Club Group @ $5 per year. Members will receive a membership card which will also have "GOLF MEMBER" indicated on it.
Golf memberships include unlimited free social rounds on Scone Golf Course, as well as management and administration of your Golf Australia handicap.
Membership year runs from January until end December. Fees are due by December 31. Membership fee for 2024 is $550.00 Junior memberships are available for under 18's at $125.00
Members wishing to gain a GA handicap and play in competitions, need to submit the equivalent of three 18 hole rounds of golf, marked by a golfer with a GA handicap. This may be done as 9 hole rounds or 18 hole rounds. 2 of these rounds of 18 holes must be played on Scone Golf Course.